Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave (2005)

A teenager’s stereotypically reckless behaviour can be great fuel for keeping a film going. As they’re all for excess partying, dangerous stunts, and everything in between, even when faced with threats, they persevere, from viruses to the living dead. In 2005, jointly filmed with its previous film, Tarman and his pals got a send-off that they won’t soon forget in Return of the Living Dead Rave to the Grave.

Rave follows on from Necropolis, a first for the franchise.

Following on from the end of the last film, Garrison Snr. is killed trying to get his hands on some more of that sweet reanimating toxin. Meanwhile, the lucky few left from the first film, Julian, Becky and Cody, are looking to put anything brain-eating behind them and start their college careers, meeting friends, like Jenny. When Jenny’s brother, Jeremy, gets his hands on the compound, he immediately starts treating it like a recreational drug, dubbed z. He decides the best course of action is to throw a big party. Unfortunately, the living dead have come to gate-crash the revellers and their fun. It may be up to the veterans to ensure the party ends in a huge blast.

As this was filmed alongside Necropolis, some familiar characters return.…

Filled in conjunction with the previous ROTLD film, Rave to the Grave manages to keep a lot of that film’s atmosphere and pace while doubling down on the absurd comedic elements for maximum impact. I suppose there have always been elements of the teen comedy genre embedded in the D.N.A. of Return, and you feel it here. The sights of teenage revellers dancing to electronic tunes with graffiti-laced walls and oblivious run-ins with zombies is just as valid of an avenue for a franchise’s fifth instalment.

…As do some franchise favourites

The continuing march into ridiculous might seem somewhat different from a franchise that always managed to keep a balanced tone. However, that has always been the series’ strong point, especially once the Living Dead finally turn up. Also returning to return are some cast members of the original, as stated before, filming these films back-to-back certainly helped on the logistics front. Tarman also makes his shambling appearance here, making the whole film feel like a final farewell to the Living Dead series.

Goofy partygoers and Zombies makes for a fun mix.

While it might like goofy from the outset, Rave to the Grave is currently the ultimate entry in the Return branch of the Living Dead tree, who knows what the future holds, as remakes are everywhere at the moment. Still, it offers an almost whimsical send-off to the brain-eating ghouls and their antics, and for Julian and his friends. The final film is pretty fun if you have a certain mind for the humour that the film has put out. Even if Necropolis wasn’t enough for you, the continuing sights of zombies ambling about might be enough. You can’t keep a good zombie film down, despite the direct-to-D.V.D. offerings.

If this image isn’t enough to convince you to see the film, I don’t know what else will?!

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